What is B.Sc Nursing Program, Structure & Examination? In this article, we are explained about the b.sc nursing 4year program. how to divided B.sc nursing semester wise. and each semester has a different subject time period. and what is the examination schedule of B.Sc Nursing Program minimum passing marks grading or all about the B.Sc Nursing Program Structure & Examination.

The prepared modules (Health Assessment) and available modules as National guidelines (First Aid-NDMA, IMNCI, ENBC, FBNBC, SBA module, and National program treatment protocols will be provided in separate learning resource package) For BCLS, ACLS, PLS/PALS- Standard national/international modules can be used
ELECTIVE MODULES of B.Sc Nursing Program Structure
Number of electives to be completed: 4 (Every module=1 credit=20Hours)
III & IV Semesters: To complete any two electives by end of 4th semester across 1st to 4th semesters
- Human values
- Diabetes Care
- Palliative care
- Disaster Management
V & VI Semesters: To complete any one of the following before the end of 6th semester
- Personality development
- Addiction psychiatry
- Adolescent health
- Sports health
- Accreditation and practice standards
- Developmental psychology
- Menopausal health
- Health Economics
VII & VIII Semesters: To complete any one of the following before the end of 8th semester
- Scientific writing skills
- Lactation management
- Sexuality & Health
- Stress management
- Job readiness and employability in a health care setting
- Soft Skills
Duration of the program: 8 semesters
B.Sc Nursing 1-7 Semesters
One Semester Plan for the first 7 semesters
Total Weeks per Semester: 26wks/semester
Number of Weeks per Semester for instruction: 20 weeks (40hrs/week x 20 weeks=800hours)
Number of Working Days: Minimum of 100 working days (5 days/weekx20 weeks)
Vacation, Holidays, Examination and Preparatory Holidays-6 Weeks
Vacation: 3 weeks Holidays-1 week
Examination & preparatory holidays-2 weeks
B.Sc Nursing 8th Semester
One semester-22 week
vacation-1 week, holidays- 1 week, Exam & preparatory holidays-2wks

1 credit theory- l hour/week/semester l credit practical/lab- 2hrs/week/semester l credit clinical – 4hrs/week/semester
Total number of credits-160 (Excludes electives)
Total number of hours- 6606 hours
Electives: 4 {One elective course -1credit (20Hrs)} Total credits=164 (Includes Electives)
The distribution of marks in internal assessment, End semester College exam, and End semester University exam for each course is shown below.

* Will be added to the internal marks of Nursing Foundations I& II Theory and Practical respectively in the next semester (Total weight age remains the same)
Nursing Foundations Theory – Nursing Foundations I theory in I semester Internal marks will be added to Nursing Foundations I & II Theory Internal in the second semester and the average of the two-semester will be taken.

Will be added to the internal marks of Pharmacology II and Pathology II & Genetics in the next semester (Total weightage remains the same).

Will be added to the internal marks of Child Health Nursing I & II and Mental Health Nursing I & II in both theory and practical respectively in the next semester (Total weightage remains the same).

Will be added to Community Health Nursing I&II theory and practical respectively in the next semester.

Examination Regulations of B.Sc Nursing Program Structure
The student has to pass in all mandatory modules and allotted percentage of marks will be included in the internal assessment of The college /university exam. The pass mark for the module is C -50% minimum.
- Applied Anatomy and Applied Physiology-Question paper will consist of Section A Applied Anatomy of 37 marks and B applied Physiology should be of 38 marks.
- Applied Nutrition and Dietetics and Biochemistry and- Question paper will consist of Section A Applied Nutrition and Dietetics of 50 marks and Section B of Biochemistry of 25 marks.
- Pharmacology, genetics, pathology: Section A of Pharmacology with 38 marks, Section B of Pathology of 25 and Genetics with 12 marks.
- Nursing Research and Statistics-Nursing Research should be of 55 marks and Statistics of 20 marks
- The following exams shall be conducted as a College exam and a minimum pass is C grade (5 points) and to be sent to the University for inclusion in the marks sheet and shall not be considered for calculating aggregate.
- Health and Nursing Informatics
- Introduction of Forensic nursing
- Communicative English
- Introduction to Community Health Nursing
- Minimum pass marks shall be 40% (P grade/4 point) for English only
- Minimum pass marks shall be 50 % in each of the Theory and practical papers separately.
- A candidate has to pass in theory and practical exams separately in each of the papers.
- If a candidate fails in either theory or practical he/ she has to re-appear for both the papers (Theory and practical).
- The candidate shall appear for exams in each semester:-
- A Candidate shall have cleared all the previous examination before appearing for the fifth-semester examination. However, the candidates shall be permitted to attend the consecutive semesters. B.Sc Nursing Program Structure & Examination
- The candidate shall have cleared all the previous examination before appearing the seventh-semester examination. The candidates shall be permitted to attend the consecutive semesters.
- The maximum period to complete the course successfully should not exceed 8 years.
- The candidate has to pass separately in internal and external examinations. No institution shall submit average internal marks of the test students more than 75% is if 40 students are admitted in a course the average score of the 40 students shall not exceed 75% of total internal marks.
- At least 50% of the Non-nursing subjects like Anatomy & Physiology, Biochemistry, Biophysics, Psychology, Microbiology, Pharmacology Genetics, Nutrition, Sociology, English and Computer Science should be taught by the Nursing teachers. Teachers who are involved in teaching non-nursing subjects can be the examiners for the program.
- Teaching shall be done by the Nursing faculty and will be supplemented by the guest faculty who are doctors/ PG qualification in the requisite subject. B.Sc Nursing Program Structure
- The maximum number of candidates for the practical examination should not exceed 25 per day. A particular year and of the same institution batch shall be examined by the same set of examiners.
- All practical examinations must be held in the respective clinical areas.
- One internal and One external examiner should jointly conduct practical examination for each student
- An examiner should be a Lecturer/ Assistant Professor or above in a college of Nursing with M.Sc(N) in a concerned subject and minimum of 3 years of teaching experience. To be an examiner for nursing foundation course faculty having M.Sc.(N) with any specialty shall be considered.
B.Sc Nursing Program Structure & Examination
Based on the performance, each student shall be awarded a final grade at the end of the semester for each course. Absolute grading is used by converting the marks to grade, based on predetermined class intervals.
UGC 10point grading system is used with pass grade modified.
Letter grade | Grade point | Percentage of marks |
O (outstanding) | 10 | 100% |
A+ (Excellent) | 9 | 90-99.99% |
A (Very Good) | 8 | 80-89.99% |
B+ (Good) | 7 | 70-79.99% |
B (Above average) | 6 | 60-69.99% |
C (Average) | 5 | 50-59.99% |
P (Pass) | 4 | 40-49.99% |
F (Fail) | 0 |
For Nursing Courses and all other courses – Pass is at C Grade (5-grade point) 50 % and above For English and electives- Pass at P Grade (4 Grade point) 40 % and above
Computation of Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) and Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA)
SPGA- Is the weighted average of the grade points obtained in all courses by the student during the semester (All courses excluding English and electives)
Ex. SGPA computation
Course Number | Credit/s | Letter grade | Grade point | Credit point (Credit X grade) |
1 | 3 (C1) | A | 8 (G1) | 3×8=24 |
2 | 4 (C2) | B+ | 7 (G2) | 4×7=28 |
3 | 3 (C3) | B | 6 (G3) | 3×6=18 |
SGPA= C1G1+C2G2+C3G3 C1+C2+C3 |
= 70/10 =7 (rounded off to two decimal points)
Computation of CGPA
CGPA is calculated with SGPA of all semesters to two decimal points and is indicated in final grade in mark card/transcript showing grades of all 8 semesters and their courses/subjects.
CGPA reflects the failed status in case of fail until the course/s are passed
Semester I | Semester 2 | Semester 3 | Semester 4 |
Credit-Cr Cr: 20 SGPA: 6.5 CrxSGPA=20×6.5 | Cr: 22 SGPA: 7.0 | Cr: 25 SGPA: 5.5 | Cr: 26 SGPA: 6.0 |
CGPA = (20x6.5+22x7+25x5.5+26x6)/93 = 6.2096 B.Sc Nursing Program Structure & Examination
Transcript Format – Based on the above recommendation on letter grades, grade points, SPGA and CGPA, the transcript shall be issued for each semester with a consolidated transcript indicating the performance in all semesters.
Declaration of Pass -First Class with Distinction- CGPA of 7.5 and above First Class- CGPA of 6.00-7.49 Second Class-CGPA of 5.00-5.99
The marks distribution of internal assessment is shown in Appendix 2 and the specific guidelines in Appendix 3
The theory question paper pattern and practical exam
pattern are shown in Appendix 4
Guidelines for the establishment of nursing college
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