Types of Wound | Wound Definition basics of skin integrity, causes, severity, and cleanliness

Types of Wound | Wound Definition

Wound Definition – The definition of a wound is a breakdown in the continuity of biological tissue, including skin, mucous membranes, and any body part/organ tissue. It can be internal or external. Wounds have many causes, any activity that damages the integrity of the body can cause a wound. Such as a roadside, industrial, or…

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Ringer Lactate use Contraindicated & Composition

Ringer lactate use contraindications & composition

Ringers Lactated was invented in the 1880s and added to the World Health Organization’s list of essential medicines in the 1930s. Ringer’s lactate solution (RL) is a mixture of sodium (Na+), chloride (Cl-), lactate, potassium chloride(K+), and calcium chloride(Ca+2), and water. also known as Hartmann’s solution multi-electrolyte fluid. the sodium lactate solution most physiological fluid….

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Blood Transfusion Complication Precautions and Responsibility

Blood Transfusion – Complication – Precautions and Responsibility.

The Blood Transfusion is a process to give intravenously blood products, to a patient who is anemic or due to other reasons having heavy blood loss like major surgery, accidents other hemorrhagic diseases. In earlier medical practices Transfuse whole Blood But Modern Practics Use Only Blood Products (cells) Like RBCs, Platelets, and FFP (Fresh Frozen…

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medical acronyms and abbreviation

Medical Abbreviation, And Acronyms

Doctors and health providers commonly use a (Medical abbreviation) terminology in disease and doses that are called Acronyms.The medical world is used to save time and space to take/record a patient’s medical history. Different types of specialties developed a collection of commonly used abbreviations in his practice. Which may not be recognizable to people who…

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