ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019

ECG Technician exam Paper

In this article, we have given the question paper of KPSC (Kerala PSC) ECG Technician Gr II – Health Services Exam Year 2019. This online exam paper is in English medium, the paper code is A, and it has 100 questions. This exam was held on 07/11/2019. In this, we have given the exam multiple choice questions with answers. Now you can start reading questions from here. And at the end of it, 100 questions are completed. You can download it as a PDF.

1. Is the largest artery in the human body:
A. Carotid Artery
B. Vertebral Artery
C. Pulmonary Artery
D. Aorta ✅

2. The duration for complete cardiac diastole is:
A. 0.2 sec
B. 0.5 sec
C. 0.4 sec ✅
D. 0.9 sec

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3. Which one of the following is called the natural pacemaker of the heart?
A. AV node
B. Left Ventricle
C. SA node ✅
D. Right Ventricle

ECG Technician exam paper
ECG Technician exam paper

4. The outermost layer of the heart is called:
A. Endocardium
B. Pericardium ✅
C. Myocardium
D. Pleural layer

5. The condition in which the heart points to the right side of the chest is called:
A. Levocardia
B. Dextrocardia ✅
C. Mesocardia
D. Patent Ductus Arteriosus

6. Which of the following terms indicates a body structure located above another structure?
A. Inferior
B. Lateral
C. Medial
D. Superior ✅

7. The process of removal of a compound that the body no more requires is called:
A. Secretion
B. Movement
C. Excretion ✅
D. Digestion

8. The angle between the manubrium and the body of the sternum is called:
A. Adam’s apple
B. Thyroid notch
C. Angle of Louis ✅
D. Xiphoid Process

9. The ribs that do not have an anterior attachment are called:
A. True ribs
B. False ribs
C. Floating ribs ✅
D. 9th rib

10. The action potential of a cell is: ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019
A. +20mv ✅
B. -20mv
C. 60mv
D. -70mv

11. is the common part of the respiratory and digestive systems:
A. Larynx
B. Pharynx ✅
C. Esophagus
D. Trachea ECG Technician Exam Paper , ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019

12. Collection of fluid in the pericardial cavity is called:
A. Pleural effusion
B. Otitis media
C. Pericardial effusion ✅
D. Otitis externa

13. Which is the hearing aid used in patients with actively discharging ears?
A. In the Ear Hearing Aid
B. Completely in the Canal Hearing Aid
C. Bone Conduction Hearing Aid ✅
D. Pocket model hearing aid

14. Hearing loss due to continuous and prolonged exposure to noise is called:
A. Conductive Hearing Loss
B. Otosclerosis
D. Otitis Externa

15. Hearing Loss that develops after the onset of language is called:
A. Pre-lingual hearing loss
B. Post lingual hearing loss ✅
C. Presbycusis
D. Functional hearing loss

16. What is the normal range of human hearing?
A. 10Hz to 10000Hz
B. 20Hz to 20000Hz ✅
C. 25Hz to 20000Hz
D. 15Hz to 15000Hz

17. Ultrasonic whistles used to train dogs are called:
A. Sonar
B. Sonic boom
C. Pure tone
D. Galton’s whistle ✅

18. __ is an Example of periodic sound:
A. Noise
B. Music ✅
C. Pure Tone
D. Warble Tone

19. Whenever a sound wave traveling in a medium is obstructed by a hard surface, it is sent back into the same medium. This phenomenon is called: the ECG Technician exam paper
A. Diffraction
B. Refraction
C. Reflection ✅
D. Interference

20. Which is the end organ of hearing?
A. Middle ear
B. Pinna
C. Auditory Nerve
D. Organ of Corti ✅

21. Which one of the following is the test of lateralization?
A. Rinne’s Test
B. Weber Test ✅
C. Bing Test
D. ABC test

22. ___is the presentation of noise in the non-test ear for the purpose of eliminating cross-hearing:
A. Aided Audiometry
B. Free field Audiometry
C. Play Audiometry
D. Masking ✅

23. Abnormal growth in the loudness of a continuous sound without a corresponding increase in the actual intensity of the sound is called :
A. Recruitment ✅
B. Cross hearing
C. Tinnitus
D. Adaptation

24. A transistor has:
A. One pn junction
B. Two pn junctions ✅
C. Three pn junctions
D. Four pn junctions

25. A crystal diode is used as:
A. An amplifier
B. A rectifier ✅
C. An oscillator
D. Voltage regulator

26. Transistor biasing is done to keep in the circuit:
A. Proper direct current ✅
B. Proper alternating current
C. The base current is small
D. Collector’s current small

27. Transistor biasing is generally provided by a:
A. Biasing circuit ✅
B. Bias battery
C. Diode
D. None of the above

28. Which method can be used for the absolute measurement of resistances?
A. Lorentz Method
B. Raleigh Method
C. Ohm’s law method
D. Wheatstone bridge method ✅

29. When negative voltage feedback is applied to an amplifier, its voltage gain?
A. Is increased
B. Is reduced ✅
C. Remains the same
D. None of the above

30. The device which converts one energy form to another is called:
A. Transistor
B. Capacitor
C. Resistor
D. Transducer ✅

31. The number of bones in the thoracic vertebrae of the human body is:
A. 7
B. 5
C. 12 ✅
D. 4

32. Thoracic Vertebrae lie in the thoracic cavity:
A. Anterior
B. Posterior ✅
C. Lateral
D. medial

33. The pharynx lies behind the :
A. Trachea
B. Bronchi
C. Nasal Cavity ✅
D. Larynx

34. The material used in limb surface electrode is :
A. German Silver ✅
B. Gold
C. Platinum
D. Copper

35. Ultrasounds are sound waves with a frequency of-
A. above 20Hz
B. Below 20Hz
C. Below 20000Hz
D. Above 20000Hz ✅

36. The protocol for performing the TMT test is:
A. The Bruce Protocol ✅
B. Holter Protocol
C. Common Protocol
D. Stress Protocol

37. The standard paper speed for ECG recording is:
A. 26 mm/sec
B. 25 mm/sec ✅
C. 21mm/sec
D. 24 mm/sec

38. Scala media contains fluid ECG Technician Paper, ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019
A. Endolymph ✅
B. Perilymph
C. Cortilymph
D. Plasma

39. The characteristic of sound helps you to identify your friend by his voice :
A. Frequency
B. Intensity
C. Pitch
D. Quality ✅

40. The result of the test is recorded in laddergram:

41. Which of the following has the thickest wall?
A. Right ventricle
B. Left ventricle ✅
C. Right atrium
D. Left atrium

42. The SA node is located in: the ECG Technician exam paper
A. Upper lateral wall of the right atrium ✅
B. Lower lateral wall of the left atrium
C. Lower lateral wall of the right atrium
D. Upper lateral wall of the left atrium

43. Blood enters the heart because of the muscles of:
A. Atria relax ✅
B. Ventricles contract
C. Ventricles relax
D. Atria contract

44. Mitral valve is present between:
A. Right atrium and left ventricle
B. Right and left ventricle
C. Left ventricle and aorta
D. Left atrium and left ventricle ✅

45. What is the number of true, false, and floating ribs in a man?
A. 6, 2,3
B. 7, 3,2 ✅
C. 7, 2,4
D. 6, 3,4

46. Which part of the human skeleton forms the helmet for the protection of the human brain?
A. Temporal bone
B. Hyoid
C. Mandible
D. Cranium ✅

47. How many bones does an adult human skeleton have?
A. 206 ✅
B. 209
C. 207
D. 205

48. Eustachian tube is present between:
A. Middle ear and larynx
B. Outer ear and pharynx
C. Middle ear and pharynx ✅
D. Inner ear and larynx

49. What separates the outer ear from the middle ear?
A. Auricle
B. Ear wall
C. Cochlea
D. Tympanic Membrane ✅

ECG Technician Exam Paper with Answer

50. Cardiac output is determined by:
A. Heart rate
B. Stroke volume
C. Heart rate and stroke volume ✅
D. Blood flow

51. In human being the duration of the cardiac cycle is:
A. 0.8 sec ✅
B. 0.008 sec
C. 0.5 sec
D. 8 sec

52. The P wave of the ECG represents:
A. Ventricular depolarization
B. Atrial depolarization ✅
C. Ventricular repolarization
D. Atrial systole

53. The air sac found inside the lungs is called:
A. Diaphragm
B. Bronchi
C. Bronchioles
D. Alveoli ✅

54. is a flap in the throat that keeps food from entering the larynx.
A. Epiglottis ✅
B. Thyroid cartilage
C. Cricoid cartilage
D. Trachea

55. The structure in the larynx responsible for voice production is called:
A. Vocal Folds ✅
B. Arytenoid Cartilage
C. ventricular folds
D. uvula

56. Aorta originates from:
A. Right ventricle
B. Left auricle
C. Right auricle
D. Left ventricle ✅

57. Which of the following animals produces ultrasonic sound?
A. Monkey
B. Bat ✅
C. Butterfly
D. Squirrel

58. Blood pressure is the pressure exerted by blood against:
A. kidneys
B. artery walls ✅
C. brain
D. Stomach

59. Which of the following conditions results in coronary heart disease?
A. Renal Failure
B. Stroke
C. Atherosclerosis ✅
D. Diabetes

60. Which of the following blood tests is most indicative of cardiac damage?
A. Lactate dehydrogenase
B. Complete blood count
C. Troponin I ✅
D. Creatine kinase

61. is the father of ECG:
A. Dr. Nikolai Korotkov
B. Raymond T Carhart
C. Willem Einthoven ✅
D. Aristotle

62. is called as arrhythmia: Technician Paper, ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019
A. Increased heart rate
B. Irregular Heart rate ✅
C. Normal heart rate
D. Infection to the heart.

63. is the perception of noise or ringing in the ears:
A. Tinnitus ✅
B. Adaptation
C. Recruitment
D. Dizziness

64. Choose the correct placement of Vl lead:
A. 5th intercostal space
B. Sternum.
C. 4 th intercostal space ✅
D. V2

65. kinds of echocardiography may be recommended to diagnose coronary heart disease:
A. Thoracic Echocardiography
B. Stress Echocardiography ✅
C. Transesophageal Echocardiography
D. 3D Echocardiography

66. __is responsible for S1 heart sound:
A. Opening of mitral valve
B. Opening of Aorta
C. Closure of Mitral Valve ✅
D. Closure of Aortic Valve

67. An electrocardiogram is a graphic illustration of :
A. cardiac conduction system ✅
B. cardiac cycle
C. cardiac output
D. systemic and pulmonary circuits

68. The respiratory system is made up of the trachea, the lungs and the
A. Diaphragm ✅
B. Pancreas
C. Esophagus
D. Liver

69. delivers deoxygenated blood to the lungs
A. Pulmonary vein
B. Aorta
C. Left ventricle
D. Pulmonary artery ✅

70. The inner layer that surrounds the lung itself is called:
A. Parietal Pleura
B. Lobar bronchi
C. Pleuracardium
D. Visceral Pleura ✅

71. Point, where the bronchial enters the lung, is
A. Manus brio sternal
B. Hilus ✅
C. Bronchi
D. Carina?

72. Oxygen is carried by.
A. Platelets
B. Leucocytes
C. Erythrocytes ✅
D. Monocytes Technician Paper, ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019

73. Which of the following is the thinnest blood vessel?
A. Artery
B. Arterioles
C. Meta Arterioles
D. Capillary ✅

74. What is the study of blood vessels called?
A. Pulmonology
B. Electrophysiology
C. Angiology ✅
D. Cardiology

75. What is the name of the serous membrane that covers the thoracic cavity?
A. Pleura ✅
B. Myocardium
C. Pericardium
D. Lining membrane

76. This collects acoustic sounds and funnels them to the eardrum:
A. Inner ear
B. Outer ear ✅
C. Middle ear
D. Cochlea Technician Paper, ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019

77. Which of the following testing methods uses electrodes attached to the head to test the integrity of the auditory pathway? ECG Technician exam paper
A. Oto acoustic emissions
C. Pure Tone Audiometry
D. Auditory Evoked Potentials. ✅

78. A patient with hearing loss is a candidate for a cochlear implant.
A. Minimal
B. Mild
C. Profound ✅
D. Moderate

79. Which of the following membrane is responsible for the protection of the heart?
A. Epicardium
B. Endocardium
C. Myocardium
D. Pericardium ✅

80. ECG records electrical changes in which of the following layers of the heart, mark the correct option: Technician Paper, ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019
A. Epicardium
B. Pericardium
C. Endocardium
D. Myocardium. ✅

81. is called a suicidal bag in the cell.
A. Mitochondria
B. Lysosomes ✅
C. Ribosomes
D. Endoplasmic reticulum.

82. Endoplasmic reticulum which contains ribosomes is called:
A. Golgi bodies
B. Plasma membrane
C. Rough Endoplasmic reticulum ✅
D. Smooth endoplasmic reticulum

83. Study about the function of the body is called: ECG Technician exam paper
A. Anatomy
B. Cytology
C. Physiology ✅
D. Psychology

84. A transistor in which both free electrons and holes are current carriers is termed as:
A. Bipolar transistor ✅
B. Dipolar transistor
C. Tripolar transistor
D. Semipolar transistor

85. Amount of energy required to produce full conduction across pn junction in forwarding bias called:
A. Barrier potential ✅
B. Barrier difference
C. Barrier intensity
D. Barrier frequency Technician Paper, ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019

86. Region of semiconductor which is very thin and lightly doped as compared to other regions called:
A. Emitter
B. Collector
C. Source
D. Base ✅

87. What does a cycle of CPR consist of?
A. Thirty chest compressions and three rescue breaths
B. Twenty chest compressions and two rescue breaths
C. Thirty chest compressions and two rescue breaths ✅
D. Twenty chest compressions and three rescue breaths

88. ___Ultrasonic sounds are used in doing echocardiography in pediatric cases.
A. Mid Frequency
B. Octave frequency
C. High frequency ✅
D. Low frequency

89. What is the normal value of the P-R interval?
A. 0.35-0.44 seconds
B. 0.11 seconds
C. 0.09 seconds
D. 0.12-0.2 seconds ✅

90. ATP stands for.
A. Adenodine Tri Phosphate
B. Adenosine Tri Phosphate ✅
C. Adenosine Tri Phosphorous
D. Adenosite Tri Phosphate

91. __is the largest bone in the human body.
A. Temporal bone
B. Ulna
C. Femur ✅
D. Carpal

92. The electrical activation of a cell is called
A. Polarization
B. Depolarisation
C. Action Potential
D. Repolarisation

93. is a condition wherein the ductus arteriosus fails to close after birth.
A. Mesocardia
B. Patent ductus arteriosus ✅
C. Dextrocardia
D. Levocardia.

94. The transducers which do not require any power device for their operation:
A. Active transducer ✅
B. Passive Transducer
C. Both Active and passive transducers
D. None of the above

95. electrodes avoid any direct contact of the metal with the skin to avoid movement artifacts.
A. Metal plate surface electrode
B. Floating type surface Electrode ✅
C. Suction cup electrode
D. Insulators.

96. The process of adding some external substance into the semiconductor material to increase the conductivity is called: ECG Technician exam paper
A. Doping ✅
B. Damping
C. Dampening
D. Insulation

97. A semiconductor in an extremely pure form is known as:
A. Extrinsic semiconductor
B. Intrinsic semiconductor ✅
C. Transistor
D. Diode

98. is a device used for correcting the fibrillation of cardiac muscles.
A. Echo cardiogram
B. Defibrillator ✅
C. Holter monitoring ECG
D. Audiometer

99. is visible radiation of light that occurs while illuminating the tympanic
A. Umbo region
B. Pars tens a
C. Cone of light ✅
D. Pars flaccid

100. _ is the unit for frequency.
A. Decibel
B. Hertz ✅
C. Ohm Technician Paper, ECG Technician Exam Paper 2019
D. Ampere

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