Surgical instrument pictures, name, and their uses pdf

Hi, Friends As you are aware, after closing the interview in all nursing govt jobs, some institutes (AIIMS, JIPMER, PGIMER, BHU, etc.) have combined the practice questionnaire with theory-based questions, to learn the practical knowledge of the candidates. Along with this, the image-based questions of some Surgical instruments name with image /OT instruments name list are also given in the exam paper, and their names and work are asked. RUHS BSc Nursing Entrance Exam 2019
In this article, we have described the image name and work of some surgical instruments names, that are used regularly while working in the hospital. Hope you like this information about Surgical Instruments pictures and names pdf. RRB QUESTION PAPER 2020.

OT instruments name list

Instrument UsesName of Instruments
Cutting and dissecting instrumentsScalpal/ knife
Cutting and dissecting instrumentsScissor’s
Dissecting instrumentsElevators (Periosteum)/
Grasping or HoldingForceps (Traumatic and Nontrumatic/ Toothed or non toothed),
DeBakey forceps.
Grasping or HoldingAllis forcep,
Babcock forcep,
Kocher forcep,
HoldingTenaculum forcep,
Towel clip
Hemostatic instrumentsArtery forceps,
Mosquito forceps,
Hemostatic clips (Ligaclip),
Hemostatic instrumentsCautery (Monopolar pencil/ hook/ spatula, Bipolar forceps), Etc.
RetractorsTwo typs
HandheldLangenbeck retractor
Deaver retractor
Weitlander retractor
Army-Navy retractor
Richardson retractor
Richardson-Eastmann retractor
Cats paw retractor
Ribbon retractor
Self-retainingO’Connor- O’Sullivan retractor
Thompson retractor
Omni-Tract retractor
Ramani retractor
Gelpi retractor
Weitlaner Retractor
Cloward retractor

Surgical instruments name with image

1. BP Handle – (Discovered by Charles Russell Bard and Morgan Parker, founders of the Bard-Parker Company) Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle to use superficial tissue cutting with a blade no. 10, 11, 12, 15, etc.

Surgical  instrument  Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle No 3
Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle No 3

2. Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle to use for deep cutting with the blade no. 10, 11, 12, 15, etc.

Surgical  instrument Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle No 7.
Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle No 7

3. Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle to use for skin incision or debridement including the blade no. 20, 22, 23, etc.

Surgical  instrument Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle No 4
Scalpal/ knife/ BP handle No 4

4. Surgical Knife – (The Surgical Instruments)
Different types of surgical blades
/knives with their number for cutting incision and excision.

Surgical  instrument surgical blade/ knife all size.
surgical blade/ knife of all sizes.

Surgical scissor’s names and pictures

5. Mayo Scissor Straight – used for cutting suture thread, bandage, and gauze pieces.

Surgical  instrument Mayo Scissor Straight
Mayo Scissor Straight

6. Mayo Scissors Curved – used to cut heavy tissue tough structures like skin, fascia, muscle, etc.

Surgical  instrument Mayo Scissors Curved
Mayo Scissors Curved

7. Metzenbaum Scissors/ Fine Scissors – used to cut fine structures like vessels, tendons, and other soft tissue.

Surgical  instrument Metzenbaum Scissors/ Fine Scissors
Metzenbaum Scissors/ Fine Scissors

OT instruments name and images/hospital instruments name with image

8. Artery Forceps/ Heamostate – Artery forceps, also known as hemostats, are crucial instruments in surgical procedures used to control bleeding by clamping blood vessels or tissue.

Surgical  instrument Artery Forceps
Artery Forceps

9. Kelly Hemostatic Forceps/ Mosquito/ Rochester pean forceps –
This Surgical Instrument is used to clamp small blood vessels it’s a straight mosquito and a curved mosquito according to its jaw angle.
surgical instruments with names and uses.

Surgical  instrument Kelly Hemostatic Forceps/ Mosquito curved / Rochester pean forceps
Kelly Hemostatic Forceps/ Mosquito curved / Rochester pean forceps
Surgical  instrument Kelly Hemostatic Forceps/ Mosquito straight / Rochester pean forceps
Kelly Hemostatic Forceps

10. BurlishearA Burlishear is used to clamp deep blood vessels. Burlishears have two closed finger rings. Burlishears with an open finger ring are called tonsil hemostats.

Burlishear the Surgical  instrument

11. Allis Forceps or allis clamps – With a sharp Tooth, it’s used and designed to grasp and hold heavy tissue, organs, skin, fascia tissue, and soft tissues like bowel and breast tissue. also used in the clamp and hold operating materials such as tubes and drapes. (surgical instruments with names)

The Surgical  instrument Allis Forceps or allis clamps
Allis Forceps or allis clamps

12. Babcock Forceps –
Similar to Allis forceps/Clamp. It is less traumatic due to its wider and rounded edges. mostly used in laparotomy for grasping tube-like organs or structures like ureters, intestines, appendices, and other delicate tissue.

Surgical  instrument Babcock Forceps
Babcock Forceps

13. Sponge Forceps –
Sponge forceps are mostly used in surgical procedures, to create a surgical site using a sponge to paint betadine or spirit. Another use of sponge forceps is to hold the hard surface and to hold and retract the cervix.

Sponge Forceps
Sponge Forceps

14. Towel Clamp/Clip –
This Surgical Instrument is used to hold and grasp towels and drapes, to maintain a sterile field during surgery or any invasive procedure.

Towel Clip/ Clamp
Towel clip
Jones Towel clip
Jones Towel clip

15. Kochar forceps –
It has 1×2 teeth on a straight or curved jaw. available in various sizes. It is used for a strong grip and is mostly used in orthopedics, and general surgery to hold the muscles, ligaments, gallbladder, thyroid, etc.

kocher forceps
Kocher forceps

16. Hemostatic clips and applicator –
This surgical Instrument is used in surgical procedures and other bleeding conditions to control bleeding by application of a hemostatic clip. mostly used in vascular surgeries.
It is available in various sizes as per usage. (surgical tools names)

Head Injury/Brain Injury Causes & Classification

Hemostatic clips and applicator
Hemostatic clips and applicator

17. Right Angle Forceps –
Another name is “Mixter”. A right angle is used to clamp hard-to-reach
vessels and to place sutures around the vessel. The right angle with a suture attached is called a “tie on a passer”.

Right Angle Forceps, mixter.
Right Angle Forceps

18. Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder-
A needle holder is used to grasp/hold and guide the needle when suturing.

Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder
Mayo-Hegar Needle Holder

19. DeBakey forceps- Surgical Instrument
It is atraumatic tissue forceps, used for delicate tissue, particularly in cardiovascular surgery to avoid tissue damage during manipulation.


DeBakey forceps
DeBakey forceps

20. Adson pickup forceps or Dura forceps-
Nontoothed used to grasp the delicate tissue. Or with teeth used to grasp the skin.

Adson pickup forceps or Dura forceps
Adson pickup forceps or Dura forceps

21. Tooth forceps/ Thumb forceps-
These forceps are used to grasp/hold tough/hard tissue such as breasts, skin, fascia, etc. Single-tooth forceps are known as “Rat tooth forceps”. It’s available in single or multiple teeth.

Tooth forceps/ Thumb forceps
Tooth forceps/ Thumb forceps

22. Russian Tissue Forceps

This is a Rounded perimeter multi-tooth tip used for maximum tissue grip, and nontraumatic tissue grasping during dissection.


Retractors – surgical instruments and their uses

23. Deaver retractor-
It is used to retract deep abdominal or chest incisions. available in various widths.

Deaver retractor
Deaver retractor

24. Richardson retractor-
This retractor is used to retract deep abdominal or chest incisions.

Richardson retractor
Richardson retractor

25. Goulet retractor-
It is used to retract shallow or superficial incisions.
Surgical Instrument

Goulet retractor
Goulet retractor

26. Army-Navy retractor/US Army retractor-
It is used to retract shallow or superficial incisions.

Army-Navy retractor/US Army retractor
Army-Navy retractor/US Army retractor

27. A Weitlaner Retractor/Self-Retaining Retractor –
It is available with two types of ends, Sharp and Blunt. It is mainly used for retracting skin ends in small incisions. Like bone & joint procedures, small neurosurgical procedures, and plastic surgeries.

Craniotomy The Treatment of head injury

A Weitlaner Retractor/ Self Retaining Retractor
A Weitlaner Retractor/Self-Retaining Retractor

28. Gelpi Perineal Retractor –
Which has two pointed ends, it is used to retract small incision.

Gelpi Perineal Retractor
Gelpi Perineal Retractor

29. A Balfour with bladder blade Retractor – Surgical Instrument
It’s used to retract wound edges during deep abdominal procedures.

Balfour with bladder blade Retractor
Balfour with bladder blade Retractor

30. Cat’s Paw Retractor –
It has two ends, one side single right-angled blade and the cat’s claw-shaped blade on the other side. it’s mostly used in hard skin areas surgery like hand and foot.

Cat's Paw Retractor
Cat’s Paw Retractor

How many types of surgical instruments are there?

Surgical instruments are classified based on their functions, and while there are many instruments used in various surgical specialties, they generally fall into several broad categories. Here’s an overview of the main types of surgical instruments and their functions:
1. Cutting and Dissecting Instruments – Scalpels, Scissors, Bone Saws
2. Grasping or Holding Instruments – Forceps, Dressing Forceps, Hemostatic Forceps, Needle Holders.
3. Hemostatic Instruments – Hemostats, Kelly Hemostats, Rochester-Pean Hemostats, Clamps.
4. Retractors – Handheld Retractors, Senn Retractors, Richardson Retractors, Self-Retaining Retractors, Balfour Retractors., Weitlaner Retractors.
5. Suctioning Instruments – Suction Devices, Yankauer Suction Tip, Poole Suction Tip.
6. Stapling Instruments – Surgical Staplers, Linear Staplers, Circular Staplers.
7. Measuring Instruments – Calipers, Graduated Rulers
8. Specialized Instruments – Electrocautery, Endoscopic Instruments, Biopsy Forceps.
9. Suturing Instruments – Needles.
Each category includes a variety of instruments designed for specific tasks within that category, and the choice of instrument depends on the procedure, the surgeon’s preference, and the patient’s needs.

How do cutting and dissecting instruments differ?

Cutting instruments, like scalpels and scissors, are designed to make incisions and cut through tissues. Scalpels have a single-use blade for precision cutting, while scissors come in various types for different cutting tasks (e.g., Metzenbaum for delicate tissue, Mayo for heavier cutting). Bone saws are specifically used for cutting bone.

What are hemostatic instruments used for?

Hemostatic instruments, such as hemostats and clamps, are used to control bleeding by clamping blood vessels or tissues. They help manage blood flow during surgery, either by temporarily occluding vessels or by preparing them for ligation.

What is the difference between handheld and self-retaining retractors?

Handheld retractors are manually held by the surgical team to keep tissues away from the surgical site. Self-retaining retractors have a mechanism that holds them in place without continuous manual effort, providing a stable retraction.

What are specialized instruments and when are they used?

Specialized instruments include tools like electrocautery devices for cutting and coagulating tissue with electrical currents and endoscopic instruments for minimally invasive procedures. These tools are designed for specific tasks and enhance precision and effectiveness in various surgical contexts.

Also, read

Instruments Used in Gynecology and Obstetrics pdf


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13 thoughts on “Surgical instrument pictures, name, and their uses pdf”

  1. Thank you very much, your note is very easy to understand for beginners like us.thank you very much sir i really appreciate.


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