Wound Definition – The definition of a wound is a breakdown in the continuity of biological tissue, including skin, mucous membranes, and any body part/organ tissue. It can be internal or external. Wounds have many causes, any activity that damages the integrity of the body can cause a wound. Such as a roadside, industrial, or any other accident, being bitten by a sharp object, intentionally caused by oneself or someone, or by an operation. The types of the wound have been described from various aspects. Its types are given below.
Types of wound
Various aspects have been included to describe the types of lesions. such as the basics of skin integrity, causes, severity, and cleanliness.
On the basis of skin integrity
Wounds are divided into two parts based on the integrity of the skin: open wounds and closed wounds.
Open Wound
In this type of wound, the integrity of the skin is broken. And the internal tissues are exposed to the open air. It is caused by a sharp object injury. The chance of infection is high because of an open wound.
Close Wound Definition
In this type of wound, the integrity of the skin is not broken. It is caused by a blunt object injury. The chance of internal bleeding is high because of a closed wound.
On the basis of Cause
This type of wound is also divided into two parts on the basis of the cause. these are Intentional/ planned/ surgical wound, unintentional/ unplanned/ accidental/ traumatic wound.
Intentional wound/ planned wound/ surgical wound
This type of wound is produced for a specific purpose under the full aseptic technique. In this less chance of infection. The wound made for a therapy called an incision.
Unintentional/ unplanned/ accidental/ traumatic avulsion wound

This type of wound produced/occurs due to an accident. In this many times, there is no harmony of the edges of the wound. And there is a high possibility of infection in it. Because we do not know the quality or condition of the things that caused the wound, whether they are sterilized or not.
On the basis of severity.
The wound is divided into various types of wound according to their severity. Some of these are given below-
- Superficial wound/Abraded
- Penetrating wound
- Perforating wound
- Puncture wound
Superficial wound/Abraded/Abrasions
In this type of wound, only the superficial layer of skin/ epidermis layer is damaged due to friction called Abrasions. There is a chance of infection being present.

Penetrating / laceration wound
In this type of wound, only the superficial layer of skin/ epidermis, dermis, subcutaneous tissue, or may to the muscle is damaged due to penetration. There is a higher chance of infection and bleeding.
Perforating wound
In this type of wound, objects damage the wall thickness of the organ. in this, the object enters the organ and exits from the opposite side. There is a very high chance of infection, and Bleeding present.
Puncture wound
In this type of wound, a small hole is made on the skin but damage to internal organs. chances of entering Clostridium tetani.
Wound DefinitionOn the basis of cleanliness/contamination –
The basis of cleanliness wounds is divided into various types of wounds. like a clean wound, clean-contaminated wound, contaminated wound, infected wound and colonized wound.
Clean wound
In this type of wound, no bacteria or microorganism is present. surgical one is an example of a clean wound. no chance of infection in this type of wound.
Clean-contaminated wound
This type of wound is made under the aseptic technique but the site of incision is an infected body part/cavity. high chance of infection present.
Contaminated wound
In this type of wound, the microorganism enters into the wound but no clinical sign of infection is present. A chance of infection is present.
Infected wound
In this type of wound, the microorganism is enter into the wound and produces signs of infection, inflammation, and discharge.
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