A healthy diet in pregnancy is an important part. Eating a healthy diet during pregnancy will help you and your baby develop and grow and will help keep you fit and well. The best food for pregnant women is fruits and green leafy vegetables good foods to eat. You don’t need to go on a special diet in Pregnancy, but make sure that you eat a variety of different foods every day, in order to get the right balance of nutrients that you and your baby need. you should also avoid certain foods to be on the safe side.
There’s no need to ‘eat for too much when you are pregnant. It’s the quantity that’s important. with a few exceptions, you can continue to eat all the foods you enjoy. Eating healthily often means just changing the amounts of different foods that you eat rather than cutting out all your favorites.
Healthy Food for Pregnant Women
Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables :
As these provide vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber which helps digestion and prevents constipation. Eat them lightly cooked in a little water or raw to get the most out of them. aim for at least five proteins a day. The Pregnancy Period and during Pregnancy changes in Mother & Baby Body Month wise
Starchy foods like bread, potatoes, rice, chapattis, and breakfast cereals :
They are an important part of any diet and should, with vegetables, from the main part of any meal. They are satisfying without containing too many calories and are an important source of vitamins and fiber. Try eating wholemeal bread and wholegrain cereals when you can. that is the best food for pregnant women.
Second Trimester in the Pregnancy Period
Lean meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheese, beans, and pulses :
Are all good sources of nutrients. Eat some every day.
Dairy foods like milk, cheese, and yogurt:
Are important as they contain calcium and other nutrients needed for your baby’s development. Choose low-fat varieties wherever possible.
Pregnant women should try to cut down on sugar and sugary food
like sweets biscuits, cake, and sugary drinks like Cola. Sugar contains calories without providing any other nutrients the body needs. It also adds to the risk of tooth decay. so that type foods not to eat when pregnant. List of Important National and International days
Cut down on fat and fatty foods as well :
Most of us eat more fat than we need. Fat is very high in calories and too much can cause excess weight gain and increase the risk of heart disease, and it can contribute to being overweight. Avoid fried food by pregnant women that go easy on foods like pastry, chocolate, and chips which contain a lot of fat. Choose low-fat varieties of dairy products, for example, semi-skimmed or skimmed milk, low-fat yogurt.
Menstrual Cycle, Menses phase & Abnormality
Vitamins and Minerals best food for pregnant women
Green, leafy vegetables, lean meat, dried fruit, and nuts contain iron. If you are short of iron, you’re likely to get very tired and may suffer from anemia.
Although the liver contains a lot of iron, should avoid eating that food by pregnant women. If the iron level in your blood becomes low, your doctor will advise you to take iron supplements.
Citrus fruits, like oranges, lime, and potatoes are good sources of vitamin C, which you need to help you to absorb iron.
Dairy products fish bread nuts and green vegetables are rich in calcium which is vital for making bone and teeth.
Vitamin D helps to keep your bones healthy and to provide your baby with Vitamin D to last during the first few months of life. The best source of vitamin D is summer sunlight, but extra vitamin D is required during pregnancy, hence your doctor will prescribe vitamin D supplements.
You need extra folic acid from the time you start trying to conceive until the 12th week of pregnancy. This can help to prevent birth defects. You can get Folic acid from green leafy vegetables, but don’t overcook them as this destroy the vitamin. Some breakfast cereals and pieces of bread have Folic acid added to them, so look at the label. Regardless of what you eat, always take 400 micrograms (0.4milligram) of Folic acid tablets every day which will be recommended by the doctor. The Pregnancy Period Third Trimester
Vegetarian, Vegan, And Special Diets.
Providing a vegetarian diet(best food for pregnant women) in pregnancy is varied and balanced, it will provide adequate nutrients for you and your baby during pregnancy. However, iron and Vitamin B12 can be hard to obtain from a vegetarian diet. Talk to your doctor about ways to increase intakes of these important nutrients. if you are vegan(i.e. you cut out all animal products from your diet) or you follow another type of restricted diet such as gluten-free, because of food intolerance (e.g. celiac disease) or for religious reasons, talk to your doctor.
Take care of some foods
- Besides eating a wide variety of food by pregnant women, there are certain precautions you should take in order to safeguard your baby’s well-being as well as your own.
- Cook all meat and poultry thoroughly So that there is no trace of pink or blood and wash all surfaces and utensils after preparing raw meat. This will help to avoid infection or harm to your baby.
- Wash fruit, vegetable, and salads to remove all traces of soil which may contain bacteria.
- Make sure eggs are thoroughly cooked until the whites and yolks are solid. to prevent the risk of salmonella food poisoning. and avoid foods containing raw and undercooked eggs like homemade mayonnaise, ice cream, cheesecake.
- Drink only pasteurized or UHT (ultra-heat treatment) milk which has had the harmful germs destroyed.
- Don’t eat liver or liver products
- Avoid eating peanuts and foods containing peanut products if you or your baby’s father or any previous children have a history of asthma, eczema, or other allergies. read food labels carefully and if you are still in doubt about the contents avoid these foods.
Vitamin C Functions, best source, And Deficiency
Menstrual Cycle, Menses phase & Abnormality
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The Pregnancy changes in Mother & Baby Body
Second Trimester in the Pregnancy Period
The Pregnancy Period Third Trimester
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