Vitamin E Sources RDA And Deficiency Diseases Tocopherol rich foods

Vitamin E Sources RDA And Deficiency Diseases

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin. It is found in eight chemical forms (alpha, beta, gamma, and delta), tocopherol mostly. It is also known as alpha-tocopherol. Vit. E protects the cell from oxidation stress, regulates the immune system it balances normal coagulation and maintains endothelial cell integrity. Some disease conditions occur due to deficiency of…

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Types of memory different types of memory, working memory, short term memory & types of long term memory

Types of Memory and its Mechanism

There are many types of memory, in this article, we have briefly described the types of memory. They are short-term memory, long-term memory, and procedural memory. Long-term memory is further divided into explicit memories and implicit memories. Explicit memory is also divided into episodic memory and semantic memory. The brief description is as follows. What…

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What is memory its definition and parts

What Is Memory its Definition Parts

Our memories are a major part of our personality. What we remember and what we forget depends on a lot of things. It is a mental activity. The basis of memory is acquired experience, like language, vision, hearing, perceptiveness, learning, and attention is also a major intellectual capacity of the brain. Whatever is stored in…

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