Eclampsia definition causes symptoms & treatment

what is eclampsia definition causes symptoms & treatment of eclampsia

Here we are providing the details of the definition of eclampsia and its causes, symptoms, and treatment of eclamptic patients along with its complication.

Eclampsia can follow by high blood pressure, and excess protein in the urine at the time of pregnancy (preeclampsia). It is a condition in which a pregnant woman with preeclampsia develops seizures that are not related to any brain condition. Seizures can cause decreased alertness, convulsions, and episode of starving. On the basis of the onset of seizures, it is divided into three categories. antepartum (before delivery), intrapartum (During delivery), and postpartum (after delivery).

Causes of eclampsia

The exact cause of eclampsia is unknown but some causing factors are below

  • Neurological factor (brain and nervous system)
  • Genetic history
  • Diabetes and high blood pressure
  • Kidney Disease
  • Pregnancy an early age and pregnancy an older age
  • Obesity
  • In IVF pregnancy
  • Blood vessel problems

The Pregnancy changes in Mother & Baby Body

Symptoms of eclampsia

Severe preeclampsia can lead to eclampsia show the symptoms are the same in preeclampsia and eclampsia.

  • High blood pressure
  • Swelling in face and hands
  • Headache
  • Weight gain
  • Nausea and vomiting
  • Blurry vision and loss of vision
  • Seizures (main cause)
  • Loss of consciousness
  • Agitations
  • Proteinuria

The Pregnancy Period Third Trimester


Increase BP
Urine test for protein, proteinuria

Treatment of Eclampsia

Delivery of fetus- Delivery of baby can resolve eclampsia but in some cases, symptoms can continue after delivery and it can be serious.
Drug of Choice- The drug of choice in eclamptic patients is Magnesium Sulphate (mgso4) can treat active seizures and prevent seizures.
Antihypertensive drugs- Antihypertensive drugs should be given to lower the blood pressure for the control of high blood pressure drugs like Labetalol in pregnancy and Amlodipine after delivery.

What Is Memory its Definition Parts


  • Preterm birth
  • HELLP syndrome
  • Abruption placenta
  • Oligo hydramnios
  • Permanent neurological damage due to recurrent seizures
  • Intracranial bleeding
  • Acute renal failure
  • And renal insufficiency

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